Creating your first Hunt

Adding an Event

Before we continue, you should be aware that an “Event” is synonymous with a “Hunt”.

If you followed the setup instructions you will already have created an event, but it’s worth noting that you cannot create one through the Django admin due to technical limitations (when in the admin interface, you are restricted to accessing and modifying data within a database schema, and the new Event needs to be in a different schema.)

If you want to proceed with the default event, which we shall do in the subsequent sections, you can skip the following.

To create an event run:

docker compose run --rm app createevent

You will be taken through a series of questions on the CLI to specify the required information. Once you are done, if you haven’t already, you will need to ensure that the full domain for the event (i.e. the domain of the application server with the subdomain you gave when prompted) resolves to the server.

If you gave your event the subdomain ev then you should now be able to login with your superuser credentials at http://ev.hunter2.local:8080/.

Events contain important extra information such as rules and help. These are optional but useful for your participants.

You can enable seat assignments if you are running a hunt on-location and need to be able to find people, and add discord integration information.

Creating an Admin Team

Load an event page (such as http://dev.hunter2.local:8080/hunt/) and log in.

To access the hunter2 admin functionality, create a team normally and then use the Django admin interface at /admin/crud/ to change the team’s role to “Admin” or “Author”. The normal hunt pages will then have an “Admin site” link at the top.

Django admin page showing an author team

Altering the admin team


The difference between the two roles is that there can be at most one author team for an event, and the people in it are credited as the authors. Both roles have the same permissions.

For your fellow admins to also have access to the Django admin interface, you will need to find their user in it and set them be a Staff Member.

Team Sizes

Also under the Teams section is the ability to add size categories. In the simplest case, you can add a single size category to define the maximum team size limit for the event.

Further size categories can be added. Teams will be informed of the categories on their Team page, and which category they fall into. All fields are optional; an empty maximum is a catch-all “unlimited” category. Note that if you add any categories the maximum team size is the maximum of all the maximum fields, so you must add an unlimited category if you don’t want there to be an enforced team size limit.

The purpose of size categories is to have separate “leagues” of winners: when players finish an episode or event, they will be informed of their position within their category rather than overall.

Adding an Episode

An episode is a collection of puzzles within a hunt: it collects them together logically (and sometimes thematically). Hunter 2 is designed around multi-episode hunts, which might release one set of puzzles on a Saturday and another set on Sunday. Even if there are no such natural splits in your hunt, you need to first add an episode.

Navigate to the “Episodes” section of the admin interface and click “Add Episode”:

Django admin page showing a demonstration episode

Adding an episode

Enter details for the episode. The name could simply be the day the puzzles start, an overarching theme for the puzzles within it, or something related to the story.

Flavour text is optional. Many players skip it, but some enjoy a bit of story!

Before the start date, the episode will not be visible. If you want the episode to be visible in advance but have the puzzles on them be unavailable until a certain time, set the start date property of the puzzles to that date and time. Players will see a message telling them when the first puzzle will be available. Note that episodes have start dates; events have end dates. Episodes and puzzles are available until the entire event ends, and the event starts whenever the earliest episode starts.

Hunter 2 currently supports two progression models within episodes: linear and parallel. Linear means that each puzzle must be solved before the next one is revealed; parallel means that each puzzle becomes available at a specific time and can be solved regardless of whether others have been.

The headstart from field does not make sense for the first episode in a hunt: if one or more puzzles in an episode grant headstart, another episode which lists it in “headstart from” will advance its start time for those teams which have acquired headstart from those episodes.

There are three types of headstart: for completing episodes, for completing puzzles, and manual adjustments to capture any other conditions, including those that are done outside the site. The first of these is configured here. This is easiest to explain with an example: suppose you want the first 3 finishers of an episode to get headstarts of 30, 20, and 10 minutes respectively: you would then set the first finishers headstart field to 3, the first finishers max headstart to 30 minutes and the the first finishers min headstart field to 10 minutes. Note that the other values are interpolated linearly, so 6 teams with a max of 30 minutes and a min of 20 minutes would yield headstarts of 30, 28, 26, 24, 22 and 20 minutes. Check your arithmetic carefully :)

A winning episode must be won in order for the site to inform a team that it has finished the hunt.

Again prequel episodes will always be blank for the first episode: they must be completed in order for puzzles from this episode to be available.

Click “save” to return to the episode list and see an overview of the episodes currently in the event.

Adding a Puzzle

Click the “puzzles” section and “add puzzle”.

Select the episode that you just created. Note that it is possible to save a puzzle without an episode (which you may wish to do if you don’t want to decide which episode to put it on yet) but it won’t be accessible.

Like episodes, puzzles have flavour text. Note that the puzzle page includes a pair of HTML comments saying where the puzzle-relevant content begins and ends: puzzle flavour text will be added outside this. This does not mean no hunt admin should ever include something relevant in the flavour text, but it does mean that if you include a subtle hint there and a player looks at the HTML source, they will be quite confused, so think carefully. You can always include the story within the body of the puzzle.

The puzzle page content is the star of the show. By default this is HTML that directly appears on the page during the hunt, containing whatever constitutes the body (or just the starting-off point) of the puzzle. No validation of the HTML is done so be careful that it doesn’t break anything else on the page. Note you can include extra <style> and <script> tags.

Django admin page showing a partially created puzzle

Adding a puzzle

Solution content can be viewed when the hunt is over. It can also be useful during the hunt so admins can familiarise themselves with the puzzle.

Start date is the point at which the puzzle appears and becomes available. It can be left blank to just use the same value as the episode, otherwise it must be after the start date of the episode and just as with that value, a team’s headstart for the episode applies to the start date of puzzles.


If you specify start dates for your puzzles, this affects the order of the puzzles within the episode. If you have multiple puzzles starting at the same time, the arrow buttons can be used to re-order them, but you cannot have a sequence of puzzles A, B, C where B starts before A. In particular in a linear episode if solving A unlocks B then it makes no sense for A to have a start date before that of B!

Remember that you can define which episodes an episode receives headstart from? The amount each puzzle gives is defined in headstart granted.

Adding Static Media

Some puzzles are just words on a webpage, but most include images, audio, video and other media. Click “add another puzzle file” (you will be adding the first; never mind the wording) and select an image on your local computer. Enter a “slug” for the file, say “an_image”. Enter a different filename under URL filename, say “cow.jpg”. Add the text <img src="$an_image"> to the puzzle content: once the puzzle is available on the site, a picture of whatever you uploaded will be visible, and the filename in the URL will be cow.jpg.

Django admin page showing a partially created puzzle with a puzzle file

Adding a puzzle file

Why so many fields for a simple file upload? Suppose you are writing a puzzle featuring 10 images which must each be interpreted and yield a word. You might wish to name those image files after the word they yield so that you can keep track of them while working on the puzzle, but it would be catastrophic if that information were in the URL under which the file was ultimately served! This allows you to separate it out with minimal effort. Similarly the customisable slug can allow you to use a more descriptive or different label in the puzzle content.

Note that apart from the filename you specify, puzzle files are served under a predictable URL which requires the user to have access to the puzzle: if you rely on a file not being guessable for someone who already has that access, make sure to name it unpredictably.

Solution files are exactly like puzzle files but are only available (even if someone is on the puzzle and guesses the URL) once the hunt is over.

Answers and Clues

Every puzzle needs an answer to be solvable (note that you are responsible for checking this!) so add one now. There is no limit to the number of answers a puzzle has; a team can enter a guess which matches any one of them to solve the puzzle. By default, a guess is compared against answers by stripping any surrounding whitespace and comparing case-insensitively. Add an answer now, for example, “the correct answer”.

Clues come in two flavours: hints which appear after a time delay and unlocks which appear when something specific is entered in the answer box.

Add a hint with some text, enter a delay of 00:00:10 (i.e. 10 seconds) and leave the other fields as they are.

Add an unlock with some helpful text like, “have you tried entering the correct answer into the answer box?” For an unlock to ever appear it needs an unlock answer just like a puzzle needs an answer. Add one to the unlock, for example with the text “melisma”.

Now let’s return to the start after unlock option for hints: this means that the delay for displaying the hint only starts counting down after the specified unlock has been displayed. At the bottom of the page click “Save and continue editing” then scroll back down. Now add another hint which starts after the unlock you just added. It could say, “have you tried entering <i>the correct answer</i> into the answer box”.

The last option for hints is reveal after unlock: this means that a team which unlocks any of the selected unlocks is immediately shown the hint, and (even if they have it already) it will be shown in a different style to let players know that they have already hit upon whatever insight was in the timed clue. Use this feature to mitigate the frustration associated with automatic hints arriving which the player doesn’t need. Be careful that you don’t mislead players with this feature: if a hint contains two insights, it is probably a mistake to reveal it from an unlock which only indicates they know one of those insights.

Clue text does not have to be unique. It may be that you want to give unlocks with a generic message that players are doing the correct thing without giving any further information. For this situation, a random ID is displayed for each unlock, which you can use to pick the correct one from the list when creating a dependent hint.

In fact, unlocks don’t have to have any text at all, but in this case the behaviour is a little different: such an unlock won’t ever be transmitted to players, but it serves as a placeholder from which dependent hints can start. You might use this feature if you want to give players a hint some time after they’ve entered something on the right lines, but don’t want to confirm this right away, perhaps because to do so would allow them to brute force the stage of the puzzle too easily. Note that once the delay for the first hint has elapsed, all guesses that unlock the invisible unlock will be shown as leading to the hint on the puzzle page as normal.

Django admin page showing a partially created puzzle with an answer and clues

Adding a puzzle file

Try it out

Click “save and continue editing”. (Notice that the warning message has gone away and a button has appeared at the top right) allowing you to preview the puzzle. Do so now: you should see the content you added with the image you uploaded (even if the hunt is not started yet, since you are an admin). After 10 seconds, the hint you added should appear. If you type in the unlock answer you picked and submit it, the unlock should appear and, after a delay, so should the dependent hint you added.

Main puzzle page showing the puzzle we have added

Previewing the puzzle

Now would be a good time to look around the puzzle page and get familiar with everything on it in case your users have questions. Some players, especially those used to other hunts or hunt websites, may need extra help understanding the different type of clues, for example. The notification options, opened through the bell icon, may also present issues due to the interactions with browser permissions.


Players have the option of turning on browser notifications and sound notifications. Enabling browser notifications will prompt the user to give permission in their browser; if this second step is not done they will not get notifications.

Enabling sound notifications will not prompt for permission, because there is no API to do so. Normally this is not an issue because as long as the player has clicked on the page, permission is not necessary (at least in Firefox and Chrome; browsers vary on this). If your players encounter issues with this you may be called upon to provide some tech support! Knowing how to turn on permissions in the major browsers should be all you need.

Regexes and Other Advanced Options

Before we leave the puzzle admin page behind, at the top click the “show advanced options” button. Scroll back down to the answer you added and click the validator dropdown: you can change this to “regex” to have incoming guesses be evaluated against the answer interpreted as a regular expression, or “lua” to have it interpreted as a sandboxed lua script. The validator configuration can be used to alter the case sensitivity and whitespace stripping.

These options apply equally to unlock answers. Similar options exist for the puzzle content: it can be interpreted as a URL to be rendered in an IFrame, or a lua script which will return HTML. Note that not all options in these advanced option drop-downs make sense in all places: test your puzzles if you are unsure! (Test them anyway!)

Discord Integration

h2bot helps run hunts through discord, handling tasks such as creating channels for teams and receiving requests for help. See its documentation to see how to set it up.